Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Thoughts on self-improvement, self-preservation, and now it kind of seems like self-centerdness.

A few random tidbits I've been contemplating:

1. Do you ever wonder if you have reached the stage in your life where the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future visit you?  I mean do you think Scrooge realized "Wow, I have some problems..."  Or even all the mock copycats of that story, do you think people think that they are being so selfish that they are going to permanently mess up their lives if they don't change?

2.  In lieu of my A.P. English class reading The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde, I've been thinking if I need to create a little Bunbury for myself.  Bunbury, in the novel, is a fictional invalid used as an excuse to get out of what they don't want to have to do.  Or an example of Bunburying is when a character has a town and a country life under two different names.  I'm not saying I need a secret identity to lie to everyone, but I'm wondering if I need a little 'house in the country' so to speak...a place that I can escape.  Reminds me of the whole place of refuge idea presented by Gretchen Rubin in The Happiness Project. (Highly recommended read, fyi.)

3.  Moderation.  I have never really been moderate in anything.  Probably because I'm so darn competitive.  I mean, in sixth grade, I accessorized everyday with a headband, bracelet, necklace and the whole shebang.  Definitely over accessorized.  When dessert is in the room, sometimes it seems like there is no such thing as moderation.  I want to work on that.  Moderation in all things after all.

4.  Really like these pearl earrings I have on right now.

5. When in doubt, wear gray.

6. When in doubt,wear pink.

7. It appears that I am a big fan of making lists.

8.  Does anyone else feel like life-picked up speed and you are grasping at it with your fingertips?

9.  Be prepared.  A few things I want to write about soon:  the day I took State.  I want it written down in perfect clarity, sorry if it seems self-centered.  Also, I want to write about how I feel about grasping and holding on with your fingernails.  It may just be me, but I feel like Heavenly Father is ok with your fingernails.

10.  Have you ever had anybody that you were teaching quit on you?  That happened to me in debate...and I wonder why.  It's rather depressing and it's hard not to think that maybe you could have done something, or maybe not done something to prevent it??


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