Saturday, January 25, 2014

Currently in my Life.

1. I absolutely cannot stop listening to this song.  Seriously, on repeat, again and again.  Bring a box of tissues for the music video.
2. I bought this dress from Shabby Apple.  It came yesterday, and I love it.  I can't wait to wear my red tights with it.
3. This.  I really love the reminder. 
4. I was thinking about it this past week, and this
was amazing.  How lucky am I!
5. I've really been liking purple lately.  Weird.
6. I had a mint Sprite this past summer.  I remembered it, and I really can't wait to try to replicate it.  
7.  I want you to remind the young people in your life to take them seriously.  And the old people.  And everyone in between.  It's a rare opportunity you have to interact with people, and you should take precautions to make sure that it's good interaction. 
8. I'm looking for a new book to read.  If I reread one more thing I might cry.  
9. Have a great Saturday.  I don't even know what to do with myself, having two free Saturdays in a row. 
10. Treat yourself today.  Have a soda in the afternoon.  Or chocolate in the morning.  Whichever.

xo. Elise

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