Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy Love Day!

Hmmm...well I spent Valentine's Day with my sister this year.  We sat and talked and ate and laughed and felt pretty cool because we got a great deal at dinner.  The food was yummy and we had so much fun ignoring the stacks of to-do lists and responsibilities that we both had to do.
It was so much fun! Although we are both wishing it could have lasted at least a week longer, it was a fun escape.  

I've been thinking a lot about this family of mine.  I've contemplated a lot about the monotony of life after high school.  During your school years, every year you have a new teacher, classroom, classmates.  You join different clubs, you have different activities.  Probably the thing that scares me the most about graduating is that things don't changes as much as they used to.  You are stuck in a career you decided and all of the big, exciting, albeit scary, choices are made.  

But I've realized is that my family has been fairly stable the past 18 years of my life.  I've been fortunate that my parents are married and my sister has never rebelled.  We had a blip three years ago when she moved out, but we've adjusted.  But, I now realize is that things are going to be changing for a long time in my family now.  Anne's going to move, get married, become a mom, and a wife.  I'm going to go to college and eventually get married, become a mom, and a wife.  We are going to have kids, my parents are going to be grandparents.  Anne and I will be in the place where my parents are now, when our kids are all grown up.  My family is going to keep changing.  Sometimes change is scary, but honestly, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather change with.  We are going to figure all of the new additions and twists.  It's going to be ok.  

I love these guys so much it hurts.  I'm so lucky that I have a sister who is there for me.  I'm so lucky my mom is so supportive of all of my efforts.  I'm lucky my dad is always willing to talk to me.  This family of mine isn't perfect, but we are pretty darn close.  ;).  

Happy Love Day! 


  1. Awwwwww! That is so sweet, Elise. We are pretty blessed aren't we? Thank goodness we got the amazing girls we did! Love you! Good luck as you finish up your high school career. :-)

  2. Awwwwww! That is the sweetest post ever!
