Tuesday, August 21, 2012


So, I had to get all dressed up today at around 1:00 in the afternoon.  So, I went on my little run with the cross country team this morning.  It was great!  Easy day! (Hallelujah!) Proceeded to come home and basically clean everything in sight (or close enough) and stayed in my comfortable little running clothes.  I really like those things....as one could tell if they had seen me at all this summer. Anyway, so I had to get all dressed up.  But, painting my nails was definitely on my to do list (school's starting this week people's!) so I decided to paint away.  And I was doing great.  Until I realized I had to leave the house by 1:50 ish and it was currently around 1:00....with me in my running clothes, wet nails, no make-up, and hair that....well enough said.  Since I have so much stinkin' hair it takes a while to curl it. Thus the blow drying my nails ensued.  And then, I wasn't sure how dry and/or smeary they would be if I tried to do my hair.  And it was now 1:10. Mint blue and brown hair would not be flattering!  So, I nixed the curling and relaxed in my room.  A few minutes later (1:20) I decided I absolutely, positively had to curl my hair today to feel slightly cute at all.  I run into my little bathroom and start curling away.  Huge chunks of my hair actually looked pretty decent.  No worries I made it.  I curled my hair in ten minutes people!  Applause and/or cries of amazement appreciated.  And because of my efficient little pace, I started thinking about school.  If I could do my hair this fast today, then that means when I want to curl my hair in the school year, I could sleep an extra ten minutes...food for thought!!

Thus, I decided to give my curling iron more credit.  The little curling iron that could!
Also, pretty much exhausted today.  Who knows if I'm going to survive the school year if I'm this tired during the summer??? 


  1. You are so gorgeous Elise. I wish I had your hair and curling iron skills. I had to be the first to comment. :-)

  2. Way to go Elise! The rough days of summer!
