Sunday, September 23, 2012


I have always enjoyed the word utterly.  It just seems so all-consuming.  How can you get much better than being utterly content?  Or utterly lucky?  Well, right now I am utterly...not doing so hot.  Last week was extremely busy for me.  I had a chance to go to a leadership conference that required me to miss two days of school.  And a lot of my teachers just said, oh you can just turn it in before you leave.  Um...ok?  On Monday, I was doing six hours of homework.  Same with Tuesday, except then I also had to pack.  I was leaving Wednesday afternoon not in the best mood.  We finally, finally got up to the mountains where we were staying.  I had a pretty good time.   Until yesterday, when I started to get sick.  And today, when I spent all day doing homework.  I read a chapter in chemistry, a chapter in history, annotated half of an English book, and am now supposed to be studying for a nutrition test while holding onto a shred of a positive attitude.  On top of it, I have a horrendous cold throat kills.  Ah well, it's a new week.

Here are some pictures of what I was going to blog about last week if I had any time.

I like to call this picture, "Ok Mom, that's a lot of pictures." :)

I ran a 5-k last week as part of my 16 going on 17 list.  I did not want to do it, but I did!! Yay me!  Just so you know, I finished with a killer sprint and finished in front of some dude my dad knew from work. Ha!

I sincerely hope your week is utterly awesome.  Not utterly...not doing so hot.

xo. Elise

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