Saturday, October 20, 2012


Every year our family dreads family pictures.  We have one good year, where it was really a random occurrence.  (Wow. I just tried to spell 'occurrence' with an a.)  They look great!  That is really our standard for family pictures.  Every year in Park City, we do our family pictures.  (Well I guess the past two years.) So thus, the Clark Family Family Picture gallery!!
(This is the standard we have.  The day we randomly decided to go by the canal by our house because the leaves looked pretty.  Of course random worked best. :)
Wow.  Look at my a. bedhead and b. braces.  That's a lot of metal!
Eh.  This one is actually pretty good.  Not my favorite...honestly when I critique our pictures I really look at me first. :)
This is last year's.  It turned out pretty great!
This picture makes me feel like my dad is the president and this is our 'first family of the United States' picture.  Honest to goodness.  
I really like the one from this year.  My mom and I went into Target looking for every orange thing we could find.  Did you know there's a lot of orange in Target?? But hey, I got a skirt and shirt out of it!

Also, a video!  It's horrible I know, and it's actually just all the pictures we took in fast forward.  But I love it.  And think it explains our family photo shoots (which we take ourselves) pretty well.  

*Disclosure, one year is excluded because we all equally hate it. :)

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