Sunday, November 25, 2012


Yes, I had a fabulous Thanksgiving.  Thanks for asking.  I felt all warm and grateful and thankful and so chockerblock full of pie.  Maybe tomorrow I will post about my amazing Thanksgiving in Arizona, but tonight, we will talk about cooking.

I kind of love cooking...desserts!  Oh, my favorite are cupcakes!  So small and pretty and cute.  So many options.  I have a firm belief mini cupcakes are even better because they fit in your mouth so easily.  However, decorating them kind of stinks compared to the biggies.   I even made my cousin's wedding cake and my sister's graduation cupcakes (around 60 of them total).  So yes, I love me a good cupcake.

Today, I tried sugar cookies.  These cookies are freaking hard.  A lot of time.  A lot of flour.  A lot of uncertainty.  I've never made sugar cookies before...

I was sitting there, in front of the bowl, looking at my butter and eggs.  It wasn't creaming together like it should.  I spread some flour out, rolled the dough (unfortunately I'm not rolling in know like money? :), and slightly freaked out.  This was when I realized that I had no idea what I was doing.

This is why people should cook.  People should cooks because it brings out there fear.  It makes even the most stuck-up, prideful, meanies realize that they can't always do something.  So, not only does making sugar cookies give you hundreds of unnecessary calories, it also gives you a little life lesson.

That is what I call a bargain.

These are all shots of the wedding cake.  We also had a kabillion cupcakes to go with it.
And my gift to my sister...60 cupcakes...all hand decorated :)

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