Monday, December 10, 2012

Mirror Mirror

I've been thinking a lot lately.  That may seem strange, but I've been thinking about twos, old thoughts, and...mirrors.

It amazes me how mirrors distort.  A sheet of glass twists, turns, and changes the image in the mirror until we can't see clearly anymore.  We are taught that if we look in the mirror, we will see a reflection of ourselves.

What no one really says is how mirrors lie.  I don't know about you, but I've never seen a mirror tell me that I can talk really well or that I have a talent for baking.  I don't see mirrors compliment people when they are looking particularly nice on certain days.  I never see a mirror tell anyone to cut themselves some slack.

Oftentimes mirrors are only the entrance for guilt, disappointment, and depression.  They open up whole worlds of yucky feelings and sad thoughts.  Mirrors lie.  They lie like little kids that took the last cookie in the cookie jar.

I once heard of a girl that gave up looking in the mirror for a year.  My sister and I read that article and looked at each other in awe.  Could a girl really do that?  Could she really let  go of that measuring device?

I have learned, and need to remember, to not always trust the mirror.  A mirror is for fixing hemlines and mascara stains.  That's all.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

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