Monday, December 31, 2012


I used to always say that Christmas or my birthday were my favorite holidays.  I always thought that this was a dumb question because, duh!  I like presents!  Come on dude.

This year however, it's a little different.  I'm really liking New Year's Eve.  Think about it...

It's the time of year that you decide you're going to do better.  That thing that has been on your mind or your to-do list can finally be said aloud and maybe crossed off.  It's that time of year where the air is reeking of possibility.  You can almost taste it.  Once a year, you are given the green light to go ahead.  Do it.  No one is saying no, everything is a yes.  In my opinion, when your life is a yes, you're in a good place.

Also, it's that last hurrah before students descend on vacant school campuses.  An excuse for people to go a little crazy before real life comes in like a tidal wave.

And me, oh how I love love love  making goals.  This holiday is like a piece of candy that I slowly suck to make it last a really long time.  The chance to wrack my brain and tear down the Christmas decorations that are still gathering dust.  The time to clear and put everything that I like and want to do on my list.  Put it out there because it's a yes.

So, yes I'm going to celebrate tonight.  Yes, I already have a seventeen before eighteen list. Yes, I already have three additional resolutions.  Yes, I have my word theme for the year.  Yes, I have a smile on my face.  Yes, I have excitement in my veins.

Oh yes, it's going to be great.  By-by 2012.  Come on over 2013.

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