Friday, January 4, 2013

Poetic Ramblings...ignore if you please!

Song after song plays on my iPod.  1..2..3..4..5... I bop my head to the beat and tap my feet to the rhythm.

Oh, I don't know.  I don't know really what to say.  Sometimes life hits...and it hits hard.  You struggle up and blink your bleary eyes to clear the stars going around your head like an old cartoon character.

You get your bearings and glance around you to find out where you want to go in your life.  Obviously not here.  Obviously not.  (Sorry when I feel passionate about something I tend to repeat it in my writing...)

But, something inside you tells you to keep moving.  Move to finally write that thank-you note that you had delayed for far too long.  Put your words out there in a writing contest.  Do what you're supposed to even if you really don't want to.

Strange day for me really....roller coaster rides aren't as fun as they seem when applied to real life.  Just like irony.  Irony will stinks when in real life.

However, that's something I've learned.  No matter how hard you're hit.  No matter how long it takes you to catch your breathe.  No matter how long it takes for your bruises to go away and turn that sickly yellow color.  You will soon be able to move.  One step in front of the other.

I guess sometimes I get all poetic on accident.  Have a great Friday ya'll!

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