Thursday, January 3, 2013


I didn't talk until I was three years old.  I made plenty of sounds, I just wouldn't talk.  My mom was worried about her baby girl and took me to the doctor.  The doctor reassured her that I would talk, she didn't need to worry about it.  Soon, I started to talk.

Well, I haven't stopped talking since.  I remember when my dad or mom and I would travel to volleyball tournaments.  It would be early.  I would be in sweats and have my hair just so in it's little ponytail and cute little ribbons.  I would talk and talk and talk.  Talk about anything.  I remember one time when my family was traveling late into the night.  I asked my parents, in an effort to help them stay awake, if they wanted me to talk.  They didn't care, but I did.  So, I talked.

Now, I talk for fun.  I talk almost every weekend.  I talk in dirty high school classrooms and musty storeroom closets and really crowded days.  I talk and talk and talk.  Oh, how I love it.

A quote I love, from a book I've read, was simply "Speak on."  Speak on.  Speak on.  That ability to speak.  The ability to talk as much as I want.  The chance to share what I love with whoever I want.  Sometimes I talk about things I don't even care about, like universal health care or targeted killings.  But, I still talk.  I'm glad I live in a place that allows me to talk.  The chance to speak on...

I don't really know why I decided to share this.  It wasn't really what I was planning to share.  But, I guess, remember you can talk.  You can always talk.  Talk to yourself when you're mad.  (It helps me anyway.)  Talk to the God you believe in.  Go out of your way to talk to someone that makes your heart skip a beat.  Talk to someone that it takes all of your patience to restrain yourself to not lose your temper, but do it.  Talk to someone that no matter what you say, they nod and smile and don't care.  They are just happy to be there with you.  Talk to someone that challenges you.  Talk to someone about something you're passionate about, and you're not afraid to show it.

Speak on.  Oh, and thanks for listening.  It was nice speaking to you.

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