Monday, February 11, 2013

A day in the life

6:11~ The alarm goes off.  I press snooze.
6:20~ The alarm goes off again...I press snooze...again.
6:29~ I finally get up.  I am so tired this morning, I do my eye shadow with my eyes closed.  No joke.  No one made clown jokes I guess it turned out ok.  I get dressed and go downstairs to make my lunch.  Don't know what the deal is, but I am tired!
7:15~ I am out the door driving to school, listening to my depressed CD.  This is the CD I made when I was heartbroken over some silly boy.  hehe, Now I'm just to lazy to change it again.
7:30~ I get to school and try not to bite anyone's heads off.  Mostly successful.
7:45~ I'm in A.P. History class.  Listening to a lecture about the Great Depression.  In between notes I write my to-do list and start my identifications for this class.
8:50~ I go to A.P. English.  Today it is an in-class essay comparing five different poems.  My head hurts by the time I'm done and I have blue ink all up and down my palm (curse of being left-handed.)
10:05~Head to Seminary.  This is a release time where I go and have a class that is sponsored from my Church...basically like Sunday School...during school.  We learn about the Ten Virgins.  I write in my notebook about how I'm irritated with people.  (So sue me.)
11:20~ Lunch!  I bounce between classes passing off notecards, being grumpy, and doing test retakes.  You know, all in a day's work.
12:20~ Go to Spanish 1010.  Finish the tarea el timbre.  Do half-hearted group work.  Still kind of confused.
1:25~ Debate class! Get an idea for a carnival class, get fact sheets (ugh), and start researching.
2:35~ What time is it?  Summer time! Umm...I wish.  It's just the end of school.  I hang around, chatting with various people.
2:50~ Head to Acceleration, a work out at the hospital in training for track.
3:30~ Listen to people flirt/get angry at each other/ do the workout/ watch them waste time.  Some people :)
4:30~ I'm done!  Wahoo!
5:00~ Head home and take some beautiful pictures of the blue sky!  Blue peoples!
5:30~ Head out with my mom for Chinese food since my dad is flying in from Seattle tonight.  Yay!
6:30~ Look at blogs...start homework.
7:36~ Begin wasting time by um, well writing this.

And taking these.

Is any one else surprised at how much we do during the day?  Especially with school... I go from the Great Depression to William Wordsworth to Church to Mexico to Running.  Exhausting really.

P.S. I will tell you a little secret.  I kind of maybe, possibly like it.  

xo. Elise

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