Thursday, March 7, 2013

To Mi Madre!

Happy birthday to my mom!  I don't know about you, but I am one lucky girl to have this lady in my life.  I am amazed at the confidence she exudes, and the willingness to sacrifice whatever she needs to make sure that I am cared for.  For those of you out there who don't get along with your mom, or you don't have a good relationship with them, change that!  There is a reason that we (especially teenage girls) have these women in our lives.

28: I love that laugh you have when you think your especially clever, or someone else says something funny.
27: I love it when you remind me of who I once was through stories of me when I was young.
26:  I am glad that someone in our family knows how to use commas...and always read anything that I have to write.
25:  I'm amazed at how you will work so hard to help me on all of the various applications that I throw at you at the last second.
24: I love how confident you are in yourself, your body, and your appearance.  It's a great example for me.
23: I love how you will validate my hurt feelings and make sure that I feel better.
22: I love how you have never stopped learning.  You make a point to continue to work hard at being knowledgeable...even if you don't take another class. :)
21: I am so proud that you have gotten your Ph. D.  (Yes folks, my mom is a workhorse!).
20: I admire your relationship with your parents and your work hard at those relationships.
19: I love how approachable you are when we have a problem.
18: I love how you don't freak out when your daughters about to get an ulcer from a little high school incidence.  You just calmly reassure us that everything will be fine.  You're usually right.
17: I love how you don't take yourself too remember what it's like to be our age and aren't afraid to poke fun at yourself.

I love you Mom!  I am so proud of you and am grateful for this chance to celebrate you!

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