Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Let's talk about these for a sec mkay?  I am an ice cream lover.  Favorite dessert to eat ever?  Ice cream.  Something about that sticky sensation in your mouth afterward that leaves you completely satisfied.  Just all sticky and smacky and yummy.  I love it.

Shakes are a definite favorite of mine too!  For my birthday this year, instead of cake, I asked for my dad to make me a shake.  What can I say, they are go-ood!

We have had shakes the past couple days, and I will let you in on a secret.  My favorite part?  The slightly liquidy part after it's kind of melted.

That!  Right there! Oh, it is so good.  That spoonful?  Perfect

Also, a picture of me that I liked.  Me at my luncheon for a Valley Forge trip I take next week!  So excited!

xo. Elise

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