Thursday, May 9, 2013


You cannot imagine the relief I am feeling right now. joke...this is serious people.  I am done.  So done I just want to cry about it.  I have invested so much into this test.  My heart my soul my everything.  And I am just so happy about it.  Yes, I have one more AP test.  And two more finals.

But English?  See ya some other time.

Because folks?  I AM DONE!

Eeeeeeekkkkkk I'm done!  Done done! Forever!

I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father.  It's been interesting lately with me trying to figure things out.  But now I kind of get it.  Maybe.  Because of Him.  And His grace.

I am so grateful to my sister.  She took this test a few years ago, and her steady confidence and faith in me helped immensely.  She reminded me that I can do this...and I don't have to do well.  Because I am awesome.  Thank you Anne!

And parents.  Oh boy.  It's probably a good thing that I am the only kid at home right now.  Because honestly, I am probably emotional enough to take up the space of ten teenage girls.  Thanks Mom for reading all of those essays through the year.  Thank you Dad for reassuring me that it will be fine and life is good.  I know that I don't always listen to your lectures but, Mom and Dad, having you to talk to has been invaluable.

I am so glad that the people I have mentioned in this post are my best friends.  Families rock.  I am so glad that we can be together forever and forever.

That's all.

Oh, and DID I MENTION THAT I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Scuse me as I go scream in pure joy!

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