Sunday, May 12, 2013

To My Mother

Isn't Mother's Day slightly hilarious?  All of the moms are feeling guilty for all of the things they haven't been doing as well as they think they should be, and all of the dads are feeling guilty because they still haven't found 'the perfect gift.'  So in reality, it's a big guilt-fest in which the kids are probably the only ones that enjoy it because they have good food today.  And they may score some extra treats that their mom gets.  Typical. But in all honesty, I have an amazing mom.  Seriously, one-of-a-kind, knock-your-socks off kind of lady.

Did you know that she has a P.h. D?  And that she publishes article after article?  And that she won this award a few weeks ago for her work?

Did you know that she has stayed up every late night I have this year fretting and worrying for me?  Did you know that when we moved my sister into her apartment this fall, she went over every single little detail to make sure Anne had it ready, until I thought, Anne is a big girl, she could get it herself?  (Hey, I am still a sister. :)  Did you know that my mom has always always always been ready to defend and fight for me when someone hurts me?

Did you know that my mom read to me when I was younger?  Did you know that my mom saved my notes and wrote the funny things I did in the 'Clark Chronicle' so we have it all saved?  Did you know that my mom still remembers the day when I realized that my mom was my mom?

Did you know that my mom cooks and cleans for me continually?  Did you know that my mom has constant faith in me, regardless of my chances for success?  Did you know that my mom thinks I'm pretty great, even if I don't believe it?

Did you know that my mom is amazing?

Because I do.

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