Wednesday, August 28, 2013


It is absolutely gorgeous outside right now.  Really, it's perfect.  Simply beautiful.  You know that state of teetering on the edge in between fall and summer and the whole world looks like a peach would taste like, if you could put it into visual concepts?  That is how outside is.  It is still blistering outside (the sweat marks can attest) but man, the evenings are glorious.

I have a little post-it by my bed that makes me kind of happy.

It reads "Life is so absolutely perfect right now."  Written in my own hand, no less!  I wrote it and the next week I was sick allllll week long.  But there is something poetic about that simple phrase written about perfection isn't there?  I see it occasionally when I'm going to bed and I bump up against it every time I make my bed.  (It's often, don't judge!) And it's in pink.  Something I appreciate.  

Let's get some pictures up her why don't we? An obscene amount of #ootd pictures.  Grin and bear it they said.  Grin and bear it.

Homemade pop-tarts.  #hipster

A little school shopping...cute eh?

Here is my sister.  She was home for a glorious 10 days in between Europe and college.  That was fun. We are cool.

I felt cool.  A hat and curls.  Booyah!

This shirt!  And necklace! And jeans!  I swooned...

I felt like a punk rocker in this vest.  This look is very much a-ok with me.

(I forgot to mention...all selfies.   I would advise losing your hate for them.  They are brills.)

xoxo. Elise

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