Thursday, August 8, 2013

Well hey there! it's been a while.  Honestly, I don't even know what to say or do with myself.  That stems partly from the fact that I am sick right now (a virus.  Awful isn't it?  I'm over it.)  and partly that this summer has just sped by.  I've been to Europe and back.  I've spent four weeks in a row with one of my favorite cousins, and we didn't fight once!  I went to debate camp for two weeks (nerd alert) and that was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I've learned a lot this summer.  A lot.  And for that I'm grateful.

Yesterday, my mom told me that she misses me posting on this blog of mine.  And that got me thinking.  It made me realize that I miss writing too.  (It helps to know I passed the A.P. English test to know that writing can still be a safe haven for me).

So, I'm back!  Don't know how regularly, but I'm back.

Also, if you want to read about my Europe adventure, go here.

Enjoy the dog days of summer.  I will once I get over being sick.

xo. Elise

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