Monday, November 11, 2013

Practically Perfect in Every Way.

My dad is going to sigh aloud when he sees this post, but hey!  Oh well!

This weekend was practically perfect in every way.  I had a debate tournament, quite a big one actually, and it went extremely well.

I took first actually.  Eek! (Insert excited squeak!).  That was so rewarding for me (yes, Dad, it was a good debate tournament).

But even better?  My team did amazing. Like wow, who is that team?  It makes me feel extraordinarily happy as a captain, president, debater, and human being.  Seriously!  Sometimes things fall apart, but sometimes things fall together in the most beautiful way possible.

To show you the excitement of debate tournaments, I took some pictures.
Wow, don't know about you, but I need time to recover from that excitement.

h&g. Elise

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