Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy Birthday!

I've been trying to think of how to write this post for a couple of hours now.  I've started and deleted things several times now.  But, I finally figured it out.  I was reading in Mile Markers, and Kristin Armstrong explained that we need to tell people how we see them.  Yes.

I wish you could know how fitting this is.  My mom and I share the love of books that help us discover ourselves.  Our current favorite is Daring Greatly.  A few weeks ago my mom and I sat and talked about our weaknesses.   My mom shared her fears and stresses with me.  Do understand what a gift that was to me?  Some parents try to put off the feeling that they are all powerful.  They try to show that they are perfect and that their kids need to learn from them.  My mom gave me the gift that she trusted me.  She respected my opinion are her daughter and as her friend to confide in me.  That experience has stayed with me and stuck with me.  Thank you Mom.

The way I see my mom: I see a woman who is humble.  This woman has her P.h.D, yet she doesn't go around tooting her own horn.  She is teacher of the year for the college of education and she keeps that fact quietly to herself.  This woman doesn't talk badly about her kids.  I know that  I can trust my mom to protect and watch out for me.  And she doesn't just protect me when others are hurting me, but she actively doesn't hurt me.  She doesn't tell me weaknesses and imperfections to her friends or her colleagues from work.  My mother is also loyal.  She protects her kids and looks out for her parents.  She is a hard worker and is so skilled at making it look easy.  She is in tune with the Spirit and has a strong testimony.  She thinks of others on a regular basis and serves others when it's frustrating.  She teaches me every day to be bolder, yet at the same to be merciful.  My mother has a lot of love and respect for my dad, I've seen that throughout the years and I know how to be a better mom and wife because of it.  She is a talented cook and prepares the yummiest food.  I see a woman who is not only beautiful on the inside, but is also gorgeous on the outside.

I hope my mom felt celebrated yesterday.  I hope that she knows that people around her admire and look up to her.  Everyone who knows her are lucky ducks.

I love you Mom!  I hope you know that I love you so much it hurts! 

xo. Elise 

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