Monday, May 26, 2014

Senior Countdown.

I graduate in 3 days and my world is slowly shifting to accommodate that.  WEIRD!  Might as well detail for you the best parts of my senior year because let me tell ya, it's been one beautiful experience after another.

*Warning: If taken out of context, this is a completely narcissistic post.  I recorded this simply for the record books so I don't forget the opportunities I had.  Sorry if it seems supercilious.

Debate retreat: This was the moment when I realized I'm in charge.  This is it.  I was so scared, and we each went around the circle sharing our biggest fears.  I am happy to tell you that my fears were not realized.
Miracle at Philadelphia/Unit Assignments: This was the beginning of my We the People experience.  I learned who would be in my unit and I wrote 11 pages for a book assignment that probably only needed 5 pages.  Awesome.

Young Lawyers: I took third at this tournament and this was the first tournament that I didn't care how I did, and I did so well!  Only undefeated person in prelims, and one of the judges was so kind and congratulated me.
Tidal Wars: Only tournament I didn't place at the whole year.  Isn't that cool???
Sterling Scholar/Academic Olympiad:  I found out that I was the Speech/Debate Sterling Scholar and I found out I made the nerd team.  That was such a great day for me!
Cache Classic: Last tournament I had on home turf and I had a perfect night.  Literally, 3-0 and perfect speaks.

USSYP:  I was the alternate for the United Stats Senate Youth Program.  I was one of two representatives from my school and I was the alternate for the state of Utah for a $5,000 scholarship and free trip to Washington D.C.
Academic Olympiad:  The tests were so hard but hey, we took first in English. Wahoo!!
Speech Arts: I took first in the Championship division and my team did so well!  I was undefeated in prelims, beat Tommy twice, and was so complimented by the qualified judges.

Silver and Black:  This is a huge, Tournament of Champions bid tournament in Utah.  I was undefeated in prelims, 7-0.  I don't know if Utah has ever had anyone go undefeated before.  I lost on a 2-1 decision in a bid round, I don't know if anyone from my school has gone in a bid round.  Wow, that was quite a weekend.
Woods Cross: I did Impromptu and got first.  That's kind of hilarious.
Surprise Party: My mom threw me a surprise birthday party, and it was perfect.  From the pink balloons to the amount of people and the cake.  I loved it.

ASU: I made it to quarter-finals (went the farthest from my school) and lost twice to the kid who took first so...who cares.
Copper Classic: Didn't actually go to this tournament, but my team did so well!  This was the tournament that I thought we might take State.
We the People District: We took first and so we could go onto State.  Not a huge surprise, but still pretty cool.

We the People State: We took first for WTP!!  This was such a great day because I had been waiting for that day for years.  We earned the chance to go to Washington D.C. for Nationals.  Oh, that was a beautiful day.
Sweetheart's Dance: I planned the Sweetheart's dance for my school.  Raised over $6,000 and the gym was beautiful.
Davis Dart: I was undefeated and took 6th (?).  This was the tournament when I realized it didn't matter how I did at these little tournaments because I have had so many great opportunities elsewhere.
Sterling Scholar: Both of my interviews were during this month, and let me tell you, I had so much fun at both!  I was so happy with how I did and the people who interviewed me were so kind.  I advanced and was a Regional finalist.
Mountain Crest tournament: I took first at this tournament and had a very satisfying win against an annoying opponent.
Black-Out Week: This was my little baby that I planned from the beginning.  The debate team worked their tail-ends off and we had a great time together.

Region: Took second at Debate Region.  This was such a relief and I realized I placed at Region for all 3 of my debate years.
Natquals: I took FIRST at Natquals and was undefeated.  That was amazing.  I qualified for Nationals and took first again, proving it wasn't a fluke.
Sterling Scholar Awards: I learned I was the State Runner-Up! I was so excited and proud.  It was a lot of work, but it was an amazing experience.
Debate State: Remember that USSYP Washington D.C. trip?  Yeah, well that would have happened this week.  Instead, I had the absolute privilege to go to debate state with my team.  We took first (99-64) again!  I took first...again!  This day will be forever burned in my memory because it proved it wasn't a fluke and all of my hard work paid off.  The team was back together again and it was a beautiful moment.

Huntsman Recruitment: I was invited to attend the Vision 20:20 event for the Huntsman Scholar Program.  This was an opportunity given only to 7 other students in Utah. I had the chance to meet a bunch of rich people and eat some food. :)
We the People Nationals: I went to Washington D.C. for a week!  Oh my, this was so much fun!!!! We took 12th in the Nation, better than Utah has ever done.  I was so proud of my unit and all of the work they put into it.  The trip was amazing and I was so happy and content.
Valedictorian:  I learned I was valedictorian in April.  This was a huge honor and shock.  I am humbled I have this opportunity.

A.P. Tests: Ok, so I don't know how these actually ended up, but it was a huge accomplishment to have them done.
5 College Classes: Ha, I'm done!  Completely done, and I got A's in all of them.
BYU: I actually got accepted to BYU in March and committed in April, but this is my next chapter.

Wow.  A busy, beautiful, humbling senior year.  Definitely one for the ages.

xo. Elise

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