Friday, August 22, 2014

Tomorrow, I love ya!

As of right now, this is the last night I will spend as someone who has never ran a half marathon.  I was feeling all gutsy and motivated last December (who on earth knows why because I was running, like, two miles on the treadmill every day, sometimes four) and decided to sign up for a half marathon.  I put it on my 18 going on 19 list and my summer list.  And I stick to my lists.  If it is on the list, it gets done.


Honestly though, I'm really excited.  I'm excited to be done, training is absolutely awful and no one tells you that.  I'm excited to see how far I can go.  I'm excited to try something new, and a little scary.  In typical Elise fashion, I decided moving out wasn't new and scary enough.

And honestly?  I am just so darn proud of myself for trying.  Probably embarrassingly proud of myself, but this Elise girl?  She's pretty cool.  I'm proud to be her.

See you on the other side, hopefully still walking.

xo. Elise

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