Monday, September 15, 2014


Somehow, I just knew that this would be the week.  Every thing seemed to be flowing too smoothly.  Nothing was too hard yet.  My homesickness seemed heightened yesterday.

And then today I had my first college breakdown while on the phone with my mom.

And so what did I do?  Heck yeah I took pictures.  Just not a selfie because I don't like taking crying selfies.

At least it's a pretty place for a breakdown. 

I had one more class, which I went to a little reluctantly.  It was philosophy, the class that makes me feel the most insecure.  Last class I counted down the minutes (literally, typed it up on my computer) until it was over.  I prayed so hard before this class that I wouldn't cry.  I didn't want to cry, fall apart, or have a horrible attitude.  I couldn't handle anything else in this Monday.  

I have to say, Heavenly Father answers prayers.

First, the class went so quickly.  I am so grateful with how time flew. 
Second, I finally had enough courage to ask a question.  This was goal of mine since last week, and I am proud to say that I did it.  Additionally, he said that it was a excellent point and nice question. Booyah. 
Third, we got our papers back, which I was terrified about.  I had no idea how to write one, and I was positive that it was probably horrible.  BUT I GOT A FIVE!  (The highest you can get...and a four on the other, details).  

I am so grateful I have a Heavenly Father who answers prayers.  I am so grateful because without those tender mercies I couldn't have handled it. Plus,  I came home and my dinner actually tasted really good. 

On a side note, some hipster at BYU is trying to mimic the Instagram of Humans of New York (you know, the one that has a couple million followers?)  Technically we were misquoted, but here is a picture of my friend and I after we left the football game early.  hehe.

This Monday was horrible, but there is mercy everywhere. 

xo. Elise 

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