Saturday, September 13, 2014

Daily Grind

One of the weirdest parts about being at college is the fact that my parents aren't aware of every detail of my life.  I am so used to them knowing where I'm going to be, what I'm eating, what I need at the store, etc.  They knew what homework I had and when my big test was coming up.  When Anne lived at home, I knew intimately how she spent her day.  Now she's across the country, and I am updated through Instagram pictures and text messages.

So, if anybody wants to know that what has happened this past week, here we go.

1. I went on a date on Monday.  I went with a kid I attended a leadership conference with last April.  He's also in my biology class, and now it's pleasantly awkward whenever I see him.  (Three times a week, from 12 to 12:50).

2. I went and got ice cream with a friend.  Or was it a date?  In my dorm we chant the three P's (paid for, planned, and paired off) of dating, but sometimes it's hard to tell.

3. I did homework.

4. My roommates and I went onto campus yesterday for the Fall Festival.  Well, all of my roommates except for one.  She was on a date to the dollar movie.  After the rest of us got our free drinks at The Wall (Mormon bar), we went to the dollar movie too.  Yep, we kind of crashed their date.  I feel kind of badly about it now, but it was a pretty good show and we had nothing else to do.

5. I went grocery shopping.

6. I was extremely brave and went to volunteer at for the student-alumni program.  Who knows why it was so scary, but I was so nervous!  It turned out well, and I am no assigned to on the committee for a networking program.  So darn proud of myself for trying.  This college Elise girl is pretty cool.

7. Oh, and I had a FOL reunion today.  That was also interestingly awkward.  Fist pump for get-togethers you don't know all that well (see 1 & 2).

8. And now I have Stake Conference tonight.

Wow.  That was fascinating.  I should really do this more often.

xo. Elise

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