Thursday, September 11, 2014


One of my favorite aspects of my life is how there is a tomorrow.  For all of my life, I will always have a tomorrow.  I can always get up and try again.  I can set new goals.  I can do new things.  I don't have to sit and be stagnant.  I can keep trying.

I am almost done with my second week of college.  And I am so excited.  I realized a little while ago that I have never set long-term goals.  To those that know and love me, they may be a little surprised to hear that.  I am the queen of goals.  I wrote a sixty-four item bucket list for my summer.  And I did every single goal on there.  I have done resolutions for years, and started writing in my journal when I was ten because I set a goal.  I've written in it ever since.  I have lists each year of eighteen things I want to do before I'm nineteen.  I am good at goals.

However, I've never thought five years done the road.  Or ten years.  Or even two years.  I'm planning on majoring in business (by the way, when should I start saying that I am majoring in business, not just planning on it?  When I get in the program?), yet when people ask me what I want to do with that, I sometimes draw a blank.

So I'm excited.  I've been trying to surround myself with uplifting messages.  I'm the girl who reads self-help books, has started listening to inspiring podcasts, remembers the quotes, and pins them all over my room so I can remember.

I am surrounding myself with things that allow me to be successful.  And one of these days, sometimes soon, probably on a Tuesday or Thursday when I don't have class until two, I will write down all of my goals.  I will think about who I truly want to be and how I'm going to achieve that.

And I am so excited because if there is one thing that I absolutely adore, it's writing goals.  And thinking of the possibilities.  And of tomorrow.

xo. Elise

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