Friday, September 26, 2014


I saw my parents today and was kind of reminded that they weren't just figments of my imagination.  I know that may sound weird, but I have been texting them and calling them for what seems like such a long time now that it's weird to think they aren't just electronic versions.  Good news, their hugs felt the same and they smelled just like I remembered.  It was good to see them and be reminded about who I am. 

They were nice enough to bring me all of the things that I forgot about.  I was going through the process of putting everything away when I reached into the pockets of my coats.  Fun cleaning tip: clean those things out before they sit there all summer long.  

I found the regular tissues, movie ticket stubs, etc. but I also found a rock-solid cliff bar and a name tag that read "Elise Clark: debate/speech/forensics."  

And it made me almost start crying.  It's like when you see part of yourself, a part of yourself that you thought was so long gone you can barely remember it but it all comes flooding back to you.  I remember what I was wearing the day I wore that name tag.  I remember taking that cliff bar from my friend, just in case I didn't get dinner that night.  

I actually thought about this before I left home.  I knew that I was going to miss myself.  And tonight it happened.

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