Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Arrival of March

I am happy to report that March has finally arrived, in so many different forms.  I woke up happy today, and I realized that peace has settled in my life.  I have a plethora of pictures to show, which I think shows a really happy life.  Brace yourself.  (Seriously, brace yourself.  It's a deluge of pics).
First up, my very first concert.  Wahoo!  My friends and I went to a Matt Kearney concert on Friday, and it was so much fun! We made a trip of it and went to Salt Lake for a few hours beforehand, and it was just the perfect evening. 

A post-concert picture was required.  Those boys were standing in front of us, and Hannah fell in love with the guy with the USU shirt.  We could have sworn they choreographed their dance moves together before the concert, and we all decided they were perfect together.  (Don't ask about the blue hair.  Apparently that is a thing people do for school pride.  Weird). 

While shopping we randomly ran into some friends from high school, and it turned out that they were going to the concert as well!  We met up for ice cream afterwards, and it was so much fun catching up with these cute girls.  

Isn't this just the cutest picture of my cute friends? (I find myself morphing into them as I talk about these pictures. hehe).  I am learning more and more from them that every opportunity is a chance to take a 'cute pic.'

Another selfie because it's cute, we look happy, and that's all the reasons I can think of. 

And this makes me equally happy and equally sad.  My roommate got called to go to Ecuador on her mission.  It was a busy weekend, but I took a moment to appreciate my friendship with this girl.  I'm lucky to have so many amazing girls in my life.  

Attention:  this is Mindy Gledhill's bus!  We didn't actually go to the concert, but a cute bus means a cute pic is in order.  We went for shakes after stake conference last night.  We decided it looked like we were in a boy band, which resulted in my double posting on Instagram.  Shocking.  

We got shakes with pudding in them.  Not a bad invention.  But the best part was singing, laughing, and dancing with everyone.  (Even though I'm sure everyone that walked by thought it explained why we were all single girls).  

Self-timer and a cute door.  Just the usual college freshman.  

We got done with church at 12 instead of 5:30 today (best Sunday ever).  And the weather was warm.  So we went on a picnic, ate sandwiches, and talked about summer.  (Isn't it crazy to think how it's time to talk about summer??)

Me and Sam accidentally matched today, so we took a picture, resulting in us thinking that it's the cutest pic we have together.  

I've been thinking a lot lately about where I want my life to go, and how this semester is shaping up for me.  I'm realizing that my life is full of so many amazing people and experiences.  I also realized that I need to push myself a little more.  I'm realizing that today is a great day to get stuff done, not tomorrow and not next week.  I only have four weeks of class yet, and my heart is breaking a little when I think of how my freshman year is going to be done.  But more than that, I'm feeling grateful that I have four more weeks + finals to live this life that I have.  

xo. Elise (thanks for bearing with me and letting me show all of the photos.  I know that was a lot).  

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