Thursday, March 19, 2015

Angels Among Us

Earlier this week, I went to a Relief Society meeting about the angels among us.  It was a touching meeting, and I was reminded yet again about how many angels I have in my life.  I happily took my cookie and handout from the refreshment table and walked home.

Later that night, I talked to one of my angels.

I have been thinking about this for several days, and everyone, let me tell you about my best friend.

I cried that night when I talked to her.  Sobbed, actually.  I don't know if she could tell that I was crying that hard, but I was.  I wasn't sad.  I wasn't heartbroken. But I was relieved.  I was so relieved. I had shared with her my fear of not working hard enough.  Of not being smart enough.  And she immediately told me that it wasn't true.  She brought me relief and quelled my fear.

Yesterday, I told her to find a city, and I would be there.

Today, I complained about how I was excited to see an email in my inbox, and it was only an email I had sent to myself.  She texted me to check again.  She had sent me an email with links that she thought I would enjoy.  

She is the one that I tell that I just polished off a bag of kettle corn, send numerous selfies when I'm bored (aka every time I do homework), and the person I trust with it all.

That is what an angel does.  An angel is there for you.  So thank you, Anne.  Thank you for being my angel.  I don't know how on earth I got blessed enough to have you as my older sister.  But I did.  And I will praise God every day for letting me have you.

xo. Elise

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