Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6th

I want to just write a quick word about April 6th.  April sixth for me represents a sacred day.  A day to be reminded of Christ.  A day to remember His Sacrifice.  I finished the Book of Mormon today.  It's funny, that used to be an earth-shattering accomplishment.  I still remember the first time I read it, speed reading at midnight to finish before the new year.  But I was reminded again that it is a testament of Christ.

And I want it down in writing that I believe in Christ.  I believe in His Atonement.  I believe in the Resurrection.  I believe in life after death and comfort during life.  I believe in His perfect empathy and the beautiful ability I have to continue to try, every beautiful day I have the privilege of waking up to.

I found out about Park City plans, which brings peace to my soul as I want to cry in the kitchen.  I am trying to stay ahead of homework before it consumes me.  I am trying to be thoughtful and disciplined.

And throughout this mess of life that I've created, I'm grateful for Him.  Because I need Him more than I ever think I do.

xo. Elise

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