Wednesday, April 1, 2015

To My Parents

I've been thinking about you both today.

I have never wanted to be one of those parasitic kids, you know the kind everyone jokes about always asking for money, favors, and whatever else they need.  But between my debate tournaments, volleyball camps, A.P. tests, and other sundry competition and hoops I made all of us jump through, part of me knows that I am.

And I will forever be grateful for parents who willingly paid and supported me in my debate tournaments, volleyball camps, A.P. tests, and other sundry competition and hoops I made all of us jump through.

It's easy to say, now that I have a scholarship, that I am no longer living off of my parents.  I could claim this little fledgling of independence and think how blessed I am to have received this amazing opportunity.

I could look at my resume and see all of my accomplishments, typed in Times New Roman font.

But instead, I see my parent's support.

So yes, I am no longer technically making my parents foot the bill.  I am no longer using their credit card for everything or discussing finances with them when I need more money in my account.

But I will forever be in debt to them.  Because that list of things I've accomplished aren't really mine to claim.  Yes, I may have given the speech to win the prize, but they were the ones that made sure I could pay the activity fee, that I had adequate resources to research, and that I had paper, pen, and even a cute outfit to compete in.

So thank you, Mom and Dad.  Thank you for making this freshman life possible.  Thank you for being there with me through all of it.  Thank you for taking me on hikes, having patience with me when I didn't talk, and letting me play hard every day.  Thank you for being willing to write the check and pick me up and drop me off and stay up with me on the late nights.  Thank you for reading over the papers and reviewing the math problems.  Thank you for crying for me and laughing at my jokes.  Thank you for all of the times you have prayed and fasted for me and put my name in the temple.  Thank you for bragging about me to show that you're proud of me.  Thank you for getting up in the morning and working hard to make sure I am provided for.  Thank you for treating me with respect and teaching me to treat others with respect.

I am feeling so grateful for every little thing that I know I can't possibly thank you for.  But this Wednesday night, know that I am trying my best to say thank you.

xo. Elise

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