Sunday, January 17, 2016

Into the Fog.

I was driving home from a perfect weekend at home.  It was the first weekend as a family in our new house, and I loved seeing my journals in my closet and books on the shelf.  I could tell my parents really loved it, and the quiet of their neighborhood was so peaceful.

The snowstorm was crazy yesterday, but we woke up to beautiful skies.  The sunrise was beautiful, and as I was driving home, I couldn't help but think about how beautiful the day was.  The sun was shining and the sky was a deep blue.  I love the blue in the wintertime because it seems to have a depth that is missing in the summer.  The inversion was gone, the mountains were smooth with new snow, and it couldn't have been a better winter day. I finally (finally) made my way around the point of the mountain.  I was a little excited because it looked like there were some clouds I was going to drive through, which is always a little fun.

As I continued driving, I realized it wasn't just clouds, but fog.  The entire Utah Valley was covered in fog.  I couldn't see mountains on either side.  I could see a few cars ahead of me and the lines--that was it.  The billboards were barely visible.  I felt like I could have driven all of the way to Vegas and not even known the difference.

It seems like such an apt metaphor for my life right now.  There are so many confusing things swirling around me.  So many fears, insecurities, and worries.  Some exciting things are happening and a lot of adventures.  I can't see much ahead of me.  I don't really know what to expect.

I don't understand weather phenomenas at all, but it made me feel a little better that maybe God had me drive through the fog to get the perfect visual of how I'm feeling.  I was driving through a lot of unclear air, such a contrast to the crystal clear valley behind me.

I don't know how the next few months (days...years...minutes) are going to play out.  And that is something that scares me.  It terrifies me in a way that makes me a little ashamed.  But I also know that Heavenly Father will help me.  It's a belief that I am holding onto so much right now, because that's what it is, a little baby belief that is sustaining me through the fog.

xo. Elise

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