Monday, January 25, 2016

Maniac Monday

Today started out with me finding a hole in my favorite pair of pants.  Which is awkward because I wore them all weekend, and I'm not entirely sure when it popped up.  We had cleaning checks today so I was feeling judged for my lifestyle, but whatever.  I was rushing downstairs to throw my lunch in my backpack.  I made cookies yesterday and wanted to sneak one for breakfast (to go with my yogurt.  I haven't had only cookies for breakfast...yet), but could not for the life of me find my container.  Shrugging my shoulders, I headed to class.  I missed the light, ate my yogurt with a fork, and am not wearing my favorite pants (see above).  

I was sitting in my first class learning about marginal physical product production when it dawns on me that I put a tupperware in my backpack this morning.  Even though my sandwich was in a ziplock bag.  Yep, I brought the whole container of cookies with me to campus.  #awesome.  

In my next class, the kid next to me says he likes my black-and-white polka dot sweater.  He explained it's like the opposite of a dalmatian.   Which led to me taking selfies in the bathroom.  

All this to say that yes, my morning is going great, thanks for asking.  
Have a great Monday folks.  

xo. Elise 

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