Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Best Things

Before I came to BYU, people always talked about how fun college is and all of the adventures I would have.  I knew it would be fun, but I never expected just what it would feel like to be in college.  Sometimes the amount of independence I have thrills me.  I am at a point in life where I don't answer to anyone.  It's absolutely completely up to me.  I decide when to get up.  I decide I like to get to class ten minutes early.  I decide what I'm going to eat for dinner.  I decide what I'm doing every weekend. I have a lot of tests coming up, and sometimes the more stressful parts of college manifest themselves.  The fact that I'm not in my program, meaning I have the chance of not getting into my program, haunts me on the daily basis.  The fact that my studying now affects my life next year is stressful.  The fact that sometimes it's really lonely to be here, by yourself.  90% of my large life choices haven't been made yet, and if I'm being honest, that sometimes overwhelms me and keeps me up at night.

But college is so good.  And my life is so beautiful right now.  And I want to remember the best things about college.

I love the fact that I can have the leftover chocolate cake my roommate made for breakfast and my roommates join in.  I love that I can make as many smoothies as I want, limited only by the amount of bananas I have.  I like that I can attend a lecture where we talk about developmental theories the whole time.  My professor is from Nigeria and has an accent, which seems so typical college I just love it.  I love that I can go see a dollar movie on Friday with no foresight or planning.  I like that when I try a dress on I really like, I can buy it.  I consult my roommates to make sure it's cute, but at the end of the day, if it's on sale and I like it, I buy it.  I like the little jokes we have, and the fact that there are probably fifty sayings in our arsenal that if I say it, we would all join in.  I love that when my roommate had a hard moment, I could say it's ok, do you want some cookie dough?  And I make her cookie midnight.  I like that I can get up (early) on Sunday and come down to my quiet kitchen.  I like the fact that my life is so temporary I could change everything in a month--where I live, who I live with, what I'm majoring in, and my job.  I like the labs I go to, and the fact that I am starting to recognize the TAs.  I like that I can go get my tires fixed and grocery shopping, just like an adult.  I like that I can decide to have tacos for lunch and plan a party simply because I want to.

I think those are some of the best things about college, right now.

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