Sunday, March 13, 2016

Currently Pt. II

Making: a picnic to take up the canyon. 
Cooking: those yummy oatmeal raspberry bars.  
Drinking: Vitamin Water lemonade, zero.  But really just wanting a diet root beer.  
Reading: Before Happiness.  I should be reading Naked Economics.  But what I'm really reading?  Uncommon Criminals.  
Wanting: two days off from school, work, and responsibilities.  
Looking: for perspective.  
Playing: My House from Flo Rida.  This is an embarrassing rap song but Alesha and I really like it sooo...there's that.  
Wasting: time, but sometimes I wonder if it really is a waste.  
Wishing: it could be warm today.  
Enjoying: the fact that I only have two midterms left.  
Waiting: for homework to no longer be a thing.  
Liking: my new comfy dress.  
Wondering: where I will be in a year from now. 
Loving: the way my mantle is decorated  
Hoping: that I can do another case competition this year.  
Marveling: at how great it is to have Anne close this year.  
Needing: to talk with my parents more.  
Smelling: Pumpkin Spice plug-in aka white girl 
Wearing: my new comfy dress (see above) 
Following: my fears probably a little too much
Noticing: how blue the sky is 
Knowing: I lead a pretty beautiful life 
Thinking: I should file my taxes soonish
Feeling: a little under the weather 
Bookmarking: good recipes I want to make when I'm bored 
Opening: myself up to new definitions of myself 
Giggling: at ridiculous pictures of a guy with two parts in his hair 
Feeling: a little overwhelmed but over ok about everything 

And now for the edited selfie I like but have no where else to put.  Here ya go.

xo. Elise

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