Saturday, January 14, 2017


I'm not sure why I always always always forget the first week of a semester is hard.  Just flat out, it's difficult.  My classes don't seem crazy this semester, which is probably contributing to me feeling like I should have a *handle* on it.  

Let's just say no handles are being had this semester.  

Wednesday was a low point for me.  Low in a way that I felt incredible lonely.  I was hurt.  I was frustrated with the semester that seemed to stretch out forever.  I came home from class and just got on my knees and prayed.  I am still not sure how this whole thing is going to go down. 

But God sent me a little oasis.  

I went and got hot dogs with Alesha for dinner (she's my hot dog buddy, you know?).  We talked all things that worried us.  I went to a case kick-off where we texted about all sorts of stupid things.  I talked to my dad and felt confident in my decision making skills and what I can do.  I went to a ward activity and then was invited to the basketball game.  I was asked on a date to go to a play.  I sat next to Shay and Alesha.  Alesha and I found the fun and got fries at McDonalds.  We talked for a couple of hours.  

And all of these little things helped contribute to me feeling better.  Much better, about all of it.  

And this semester still stretches out in front of me (especially since I'm currently going to be homeless in a few months holla).  I don't know how I'm going to figure out summer plans.  I don't know how I'm going to have friends or accomplish anything.  

But I'm taking this little oasis and feeling grateful for all of the things.  

xo. Elise 

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