Friday, February 3, 2017


"My wish for you in that you continue.  Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness." - Maya Angelou

I went to the emergency room for the first time this week.  I went through an entire box of tissues.  I had an allergic reaction.  I missed class for the first time, ever. I almost started crying in the doctor's office (don't worry, just saved it for on the phone with my dad once I got out).  I have really bonded with my bed aka haven't left it unless it was absolutely necessary.

This has been a really really hard week.  I haven't been healthy.  I haven't been this sick in a really long time.  And yes, I'd rather be at the BYU volleyball game right now.  I'd rather go to my friend's intramural game tonight.  I'd rather be doing a lot of things.  But instead I'm having a personally mandated stay at home this weekend so you can maybe go to church without bringing your box of tissues.

But throughout it all, I've been so grateful for the people in my life.  My sister who insisted she's coming to see me tomorrow.  My friends that bring me ice cream, soup, and tissues.  My friend who is willing to drive me to the ER, even though I know she had better things to do.  My roommate who hasn't once complained how much I've coughed last night, oh and snored.

And this quote at the beginning, gosh, I want to live like that.  I want to astonish the world with my kindness.  But this week?  I have been astonished by those lovelies in my life.   This hasn't seemed to be an easy week for a lot of people (the current political situation makes everyone a little on edge).  But I want to remember the power of kindness.

xo. Elise

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