Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Should be Noted

I decided this is the week I'm actually, literally over all of this.  This being trying hard to make the best of things.  Maybe it's the fact that the hot water isn't working in my dorm.  Or my canker sore is making it so I can't even smile.  Or maybe these ten hour days aren't fun anymore.  In any case, I'm over it.  Ready to pack my bags and leave.  

Because of this, I was looking through old photos to avoid going to bed and falling asleep and inevitably ushering in tomorrow.  

And I came across this conversation from my mom:

And you know?  I'm not saying that I have done this summer perfectly.  I still disappointment myself on the regular.  My goals never seem to be complete and I seem to be stuck at square one a lot.  

But I'm here.  And honestly, in the haze of my tiredness, boredom, loneliness, and frustration, that seems like a really good job.  

And I'll be proud of that, even if I seem to be falling short of everyone's expectations and my own goals.  

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