Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Miracle at Philadelphia

When I was in high school, I read a book for A.P. gov called Miracle at Philadelphia.  The whole premise was about the creation of the Constitution and the miraculous journey that occurred with the birth of a new nation.

I think what's interesting about miracles is they often don't come in the miraculous way we expect.  We so desperately want to be given sight and see the miracle play out.  We want to get right up and start walking, even though it has taken far too long to even be able to see.

God fixes us and sends us where we need to go when we're broken, even when we don't know we're broken.

Three years ago I wrote a ten page report on the Miracle at Philadelphia.  And this summer I lived a miracle at Philadelphia (+/- 50 miles).  At the beginning of the summer in the haze of moving and confusion on what on earth I was doing here, I had people tell me I came here for a reason.  In our earthly view, that would mean a miracle--right?  An obvious, delivered straight from heaven miracle.  For me, that would probably be meeting my future spouse, loving my internship for a full-time job, or receiving all of the answers in one fell swoop.  <-- Miracles!  That would be miraculous.  Instead, I got a lot of forgiveness, some closure, a lot of adventures, and some time to think.  <-- Miracles? Still yes.

I will gratefully look back on this time as the season of life that was a miracle at Philadelphia.   Small miracles on the daily.

xo. Elise

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