Sunday, August 6, 2017

Things I've Learned

WOW WE SURVIVED.  Not be dramatic or emotional (not like me at alllllll), but there were honestly 100% times that I didn't think that I would make it through this summer.  I remember when I had maybe 7 weeks left?  I got panicky when I thought about how much time I had left.  But I made it through, and I am happy to report that I didn't just survive (goal #1), but I also feel like I thrived.  And I am dang proud of that.

But onto the things I've learned...

Some shoes are only ok to wear in your room because you wear them out side of your room and then want to cry because of blisters.  I've learned that you can make it 10 weeks without actually cooking a single thing.  I've learned Trader Joe's really is that great.  I've learned that the weekends can save you.  I've learned New York is actually a really great city.  I've learned that a casual dress code is definitely preferred for me.   I've learned that I need to speak up, even if I don't know what I'm doing.  I've learned that I was hired for my strengths, not my weaknesses.  I've learned how to drive a different car.  I learned how to get around mostly kind of without a GPS.  I've learned what it feels like to have a hot, misty, muggy summer rain.  I've learned to live with humidity.  I've learned what it's like to have short hair...and I learned how to chop my hair.  I've learned a lot about 10-Ks and the debt structure of 319 corporations around the United States.  I have learned about forward swaps, interest rate hedging, commodity risk, foreign exchange risk, hedge accounting, what a derivative is, and a whole lot of other financial terms I would attempt to explain but I am still trying to figure it out a lot of the time.  I've learned how to take a train to New York and navigate the subway system.  I've learned that I actually really like Dear Evan Hansen and other musicals.  I've learned the definitions of purgatory.  I've learned to attend happy hours and drink a lot of Diet Coke.  I've learned that I can handle working 11 hours days.  I've learned that you can share an apartment with someone but only see them a couple of times a week.  I've learned to make plans so plans don't just happen to you.  I've learned to get up every day and go to work, even when I didn't want to.  I learned how to drive into Washington D.C. and why Founding Farmers literally serves the best bowl of oatmeal I've had in my life.  I've learned that Magnolia's banana pudding really is that good, and the best Levain's cookie is the dark chocolate peanut butter chip.  I've learned Chipotle is overrated. I've learned that most people drive around 15 mph over the speed limit.  I've learned that going to BYU automatically provides you with a connection and a support group, even if you're surrounded by people you've never met.  I've learned that being patient is hard when you're stuck with the inability to make decisions.  I've learned to make new friends and have become proficient at long-term small talk. I've learned to work with people who have grown up in completely different circumstances.  I've learned that God rewards your faith, again and again and again.  And I've learned that you're not abandoned, ever.  And mostly I've learned that I can do hard things, and I can survive through hard things.

xo. Elise

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