Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Yesterday was Labor day.  I had a list.  It was long.  It was full of homework/not-homework items.  (Yes, that is how it was labeled.)  Two columns.  Quite long.  Full of things I mostly needed, sorta wanted to get done.  I didn't finish nearly everything that I wanted to get done, and that was when I started questioning the futility of my to-do list.

I was reading an article about a mom that gave birth.  She ended up having to have a C-section and an epidural and all that jazz.  At the end of the day, she was disappointed because she had big plans of a natural birth.  Well, I read that and thought to myself, what the heck?  Sometimes babies don't work out the way you think they do lady!  It's not your fault at all!

I told my dad, with a laugh in my voice, I don't think people should go into things with expectations.  It kind of ruins things for them.


Kudos to those that realized I was doing exactly that in my own life.  So, I will be sitting here for a while.  Questioning my commitments to my to-do list and if it is really helping me in my life.  Let's make a list shall we? ;)

Pros of a To-Do List:

  • You know exactly what you need to get done for the day.
  • You feel really accomplished when you cross stuff off.
  • You feel all grown-up because you think that's what grown up high school students and adults do.
Cons of a To-Do List:

  • You know exactly what you need to get done for the day.  (A.KA...A LOT!)
  • You feel like a loser since you still have stuff that you didn't do.
  • You feel like a big kid with a whole heck of a lot of stuff to do.

I shall have to put this in my to-do list....:)


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