Saturday, September 8, 2012


First, kudos to my parents today.  My mom read my blog post yesterday, and today made me egg rolls and had my dad make me a root beer freeze!  I was having a rough day since I had the ACT today and a whole lot of homework.  Thanks Mom, you always try so hard to make me feel better. Love ya!

As mentioned above, I took the ACT today.  And I was in fact freaking out about it.  I was freaking out for a lot of different reasons.  First, I am very.....let's say competitive.  Ok, maybe extremely competitive works better.  I also work hard, so I usually get good grades.  Thus, I'm seen as being smart.  And that's a lot harder than people realize. It could be anything in your life, it doesn't have to be being seen as smart.  Maybe you are really good at a sport.  Or maybe you always look cute.  Maybe you are the person that no seems to worry about because you always seem fine.  Maybe you are always happy.  Maybe you are one of those people are always put in groups with the slackers because teachers will always assume you can handle it.

In any case, sometimes it stinks to be in that situation.  It's hard to have people expect things of us.  It's hard to have someone else to answer to.

Last night I was thinking about how much easier it would be to be apathetic. To not try as hard in school.  To be ok with getting a B in a class instead of stressing for that A.  To be ok with turning things in late.  To take easier classes in high school.  I know a lot of kids that do that.  I know a lot of kids that are happy doing that.

But, I realized I wouldn't be.  There is the book called Yearbook, by Ally Condie.  Highly recommended read, but anyway, in it she wrote a poem.  A poem about how it seemed easier to slip beneath the surface, to the apathetic stage.  However, you still want to run on the beach, even if there was glass that might cut you underneath.  That's how I decided I am.  Yeah, being apathetic would sometimes be lot easier.  But I sure do love me a run on the warm beach.  And being apathetic would require me giving up the extremely happy moments of my life, along with the extremely sad.

And anyway, my favorite part of roller coasters are the hills.

Have a good weekend ya'll!

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