Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I was driving home with my dad yesterday, and we had both had long days.  We had been talking about various things.  I was feeling a little melancholy, don't really know why.  Probably the time of day, you know when the sun is gone but it's not dark yet?  And not in the good summer way either.

Anyway, he was about to drop me off so I could pick up one of our cars left in the parking lot to finish the drive home, and I realized that we have a good life.  We have a really good life.  He concurred.

My mom and I are hanging out this evening which I'm kind of excited about, even if we both had long days too.  At least the food and the company will be good!  :)

Also, tomorrow is a new day.  A new day.  A new day to drive home.  A new day that might mean my normal route to school will be open.  A new day where I will feel motivation.  A new day where there are no mistakes in it. (Please, please, please tell me you recognize that sentence.  If not, it's from Anne of Green Gables.  Go read it right now!)  A new day to smile a little wider and laugh a little easier.

And it's a glorious Thursday tomorrow.

Congrats, you made it through Hump Day.


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