Friday, October 5, 2012

Running Hills

So, I went on a run with the cross country team today.  We did hill repeats.  10 of them.

I haven't been running since Saturday.

It was really hard for me because I had to really try hard not to compare myself to others who have been running everyday.  People who are running faster than me.  I hate that.  I really truly do hate feeling inadequate.  On the last hill repeat, I want to run hard.  I put my head down, looked at the ground, and ran.  Today, on that hill repeat, was the first day I identified that feeling I get when I am pushing and I can push no more.  That point.  And I felt good.  I felt like I was running hard.

Whatdayaknow, looking down and focusing on your own effort makes you do better.  Point taken, Universe.  

Planning a weekend of nothing, which I decided really is something because that nothing gives me an opportunity to do something.  It's a little sad how excited I am to clean my bathroom and room.  Think of the freedom I have!! :)

Trying to decided what to do to be social tonight...I'll let you know if I'm successful. :)

Have a great weekend!

Love, Elise

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