Thursday, November 1, 2012


I don't have much time, but today is a monumental day in my family.  MY SISTER IS 20 YEARS OLD!  That means that my parents have been parents for 20 years!

That means I am like the only kid left in this familia!  Age-wise.  Somehow my sister and I act about 10 yeas old every time we get together.  Fighting and hilarity at the same time. :)  I heard it put aptly one time.  The gal said the longer she talked to her sister, the weirder she got.  I heard that and concurred.

Anyway, you have to know something about Anne and Elise Clark.  They're are best friends.  I honestly don't know how to add to that.  They're not just best friends, but they're best friends.  Like, best friends.

This, is what best friends do: (I wrote this up a few years ago and gave it to Anne for Christmas.)

1.You need to play a lot, preferably with Barbies, Polly Pockets, and act like pioneers.

2. You need to have some annoying habits to break so you two can actually fight about something.

3. You need to be willing to share a room and shock everyone when you tell them that you still share. (We don't anymore since she's moved out but.)

4. You need to be able to laugh together, especially about silly stuff.  Like opening the door so Mom and Dad can see the lights are still on.

5. You need to have memories because winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.  We’re already past the spring.

6. You need to be able to blow out each other’s candles.  Hey, it’s not our fault we have small lungs!  Balloons are a lot harder than you think.

7. You can’t be to comfortable talking about your crushes.  Everyone needs to have silly secrets.

8. You need to know that Gilbert Blythe is the only one for both of you.  Of course, the guy off of Forever Strong would be a good substitute.

9. You need to have the ability to plan outfits in ten seconds, just in case of a clothes crisis.  The perfect necklace can make every girl’s day.  Come on Jesse!

10. You need to be best friends.  After all, we are together FOREVER!

I just want everyone to know, that I love that sista o' mine!   

Yeah, I know, it's tough looking this HOTT all of our lives.  But we manage. :)

xo. Elise

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