Wednesday, January 30, 2013


1. My arms are so tired, they are like noodles...owie..
2. I have been basically been hungry since I got back from New York...strange?
3. I am still going though hot chocolate and froyo withdrawals.
4. Remarkably in a good mood today...
5. Not really in the mood for Michael Buble, but instead my dad's music.  You know, The Cure, INXS,   and U2.
6. I am feeling motivated to exercise lately.  That is a happy thing!
7. I heard some interesting thoughts today that I have been mulling over.  One, for example, is that Heavenly Father wanted my in this body and with these characteristics and talents that I have.
8.  I was slightly validated in something today.  Probably not something I should feel good about, since it wasn't the nicest.
9. I had to branch out at lunch today.  It was actually kind of fun to talk to those I haven't for awhile.
10. Wahoo it's Wednesday!  Also, wahoo is my new fave thing to say.

That's all!  Hasta luego!
Also, kudos to the Starbucks people for spelling my name right on my hot chocolate!

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