Monday, March 25, 2013

The Tale of Junioritis

*Warning:  This is going to be a post full of great stuff about how I don't want to work/do anything/think anymore.  Mom and Dad,  don't freak out.  I'm sure this will pass after Spring Break.  ... Let's hope. ;)*

Oh.  Junioritis.  I do kind of hate you.  I was actually doing ok with all of the work I have had to do this year.  Until now.  Until today.  Until right this very minute, when I realized that I don't want to read history.  I don't want to answer questions for King Lear Act II.  I don't want rewrite my essay.  I don't want to really do anything.

The best part of this?  Is that I have a whole year to go.  Wahoo!  Let's hear those cheers!

But you know what I'm going to do?  You want to know?  I am going to kick junioritis' little tushy.  (We don't say the word b-u-t-t in this family.)  Partly because I am competitive.  Partly because I don't like giving up.  Partly because my name is Elise Clark.  And I don't know about you, but I don't see any quit in that name of mine.

Off to the battle.

What does your name stand for??

My game face.  Where's yours?

My face after the game face.  Can't quite take myself seriously :)

xo. Elise Clark  

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