Thursday, October 10, 2013

Teenage girl resident.

Some people say that kids are meant to keep parents young.  I can see that.  In any case, I am the resident teenage girl at my house right now.  My companion is at college and is almost 21.  That's like adult.  (Weird....).  It is my role to relish in being a teenage girl.  You know, fluffy, clothes orientated, and say 'like' way too many times.

Now that we've established that, the real pertinent question arises.

Does this outfit match?  See!  I told you I can be fluffy!  Oh how embarrassing...but still, I just can't decide.  I wore it any way, and people seemed to like it, but I just can't make-up my mind.  Sometimes I think it does and then I look at it again I think I look like I dressed in the dark. Sigh.  Decisions.  I also have the sneaking suspicion that if I saw it on someone else's blog I would fall in love with it.  So is it just me wearing it?  Or in general.  This will haunt me tonight.


xo. Elise

1 comment:

  1. I'd wear it! haha maybe that just means that we both have terrible taste :)
