Monday, November 4, 2013

Whirled Peas

I sat at the dinner table tonight and sighed.  My brain just keeps whirling and spinning and changing and ahh!  Just stop.   It is always funny when I think of ninth grade...oh that I could go back and appreciate it just a little bit more.  Appreciate all of those things that I worried about or didn't recognize how good I had it.  

The funniest thing about that daydream is the fact that next year, when I am sitting in my dorm room, squished on a bed, with a laptop in my lap, I will long for these days.  Not yesterday or tomorrow, but for today.  If only I could go back to my senior year when I still had debate tournaments to go to...when I didn't have to make my own food...or worry about my future major...or for my final in my [insert class]...or when I had friends that knew me and appreciated me...or when...

Or when.  Even when I had hard days.  Even when it seems like that weight on my chest full of nervousness won't ever disappear.  Even when it seems like I always wish I could change something about myself.  

Because even now?  It seems pretty great, you know, to everyone else not living my life.  Isn't it funny how everyone else's life seems just a little bit better than yours?  You know, they don't have to worry about this and that or when or how or why.  

Because sometimes life is pretty darn good.  

Because this girl?  She has it pretty darn good. 

Plus, this song!  Say what you want about 1D, it is raising my nostalgia levels to the roof.  

h&g. Elise 

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post :) especially the 1D treat at the bottom, I feel ya sista!
    Love ya!
