Wednesday, January 1, 2014

That went fast! I never finished my wrap-up of my 17th year.  I really only got to May.  So now it will be a 2013/17 year wrap-up.  Lucky you!  Plus, I'm trying to avoid cleaning my room know.

1. I had the chance to go to Valley Forge at the end of April.  I went with the Freedom Foundation, and wow, that was a cool experience!  I had the chance to meet a lot of great people and interact with people from all over the country.  I also won an essay contest with my essay I wrote for it.  So that's cool.
2. I went to my last Girl's Camp...and last EFY.  I have such great memories of those experiences throughout the year and I am so lucky that I got to go with my mom to camp and my cousin to EFY.  I am so lucky to know what I do.
3. I went to Europe.  (Do an internal freak out.)  This was one of the highlights of my year...obviously. I went to 8 countries (France, Germany, England, Ireland, Luxembourg, Wales, and Belgium.)  I had amazing food.  I spent time with amazing people.  And I saw the most amazing things.  What a blessing.  Thanks to my aunt and uncle and parents who made that trip happen.  I also started another blog to record my adventures.
4. I went to a 2 week debate camp.  This was hard for me because I am a dramatic person and there was a lot of drama going on for me (right Mom and Dad?).  But I was humbled at this camp and that was good.  It was hard and boring and long, but I survived!  So happy that it's over and I took 3rd!
5. Anne was home for 10 days before she went to school.  And that was rad.  My sister is my best friend, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment.  The shopping trips and PPP night stand out.
6. I started my senior year.  Wowzer.  That is a scary thought.  It has been a really good year so far.  One of those moments when it really is just plain good.  Even if it's not always fun.
7. I got my A.P. scores.  5's baby!  I am still in shock that I did that.  Wahoo!  Stress is over.
8. I went to Buckskin Gulch with my family and Arizona for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  All of these trips have been so much fun for me.  We are stellar travelers (really though, we are so so good) and it is always a treat to travel with people who like me a whole lot.
9. I was elected to be Homecoming Royalty, 2nd attendant.  It was nice to be on the winning side of an election.  I was honored to be a part of my school that day.  Go Bobcats!
10. My debate season has gone phenomenally well this year.   I have done well at all of the tournaments I've wanted to and I am so glad that the culmination of my debate career is ending nicely.

Whew, you probably know more than you've ever wanted to about me.  That was fun.

xo. Elise

P.S.  New Year's is one of my favorite holidays.  I wish you a great new year, but hold the cheese.  (Just go on Pinterest to see what I mean about the cheesiness.)

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