Sunday, April 6, 2014


My mom told me before I can go back to school I have to write on my blog.  So, here goes.

I am sure you have been breathlessly waiting to hear how the debate team since my last post.  Edge of your seat, can barely handle life kind of anxiety.

Well, we took State.  WE TOOK FIRST!  As in took first in the whole State again.  yes, again.  We did it.

And me, you ask?  I took first.  As in I took first again.  That weekend was definitely one of the best weekends I've had.  It was really beautiful.  Perfect.  That is one word I can think of.

I will probably write about it again, but let's have a little catch-up.

I just got back from a road trip with my dad.  We went to Vegas, but we really took the route of what food we wanted to eat.  Go two hours and get a burger with Anne.  Drive two and a half more hours, get some sleep.  Get hot chocolate in the morning.  Go on a hike, drive another hour.  Mexican food.  Salsa and chips and delicious tacos.  Do some shopping, go for a run, get cookies for the next day and a Nielsen's custard.  Sit by the pool and then eat pizza.  Doughnuts for the morning, Baja Fresh for lunch, burgers and onion rings for dinner.  One last stop for pastries and finally another Nielsen's.  That's basically the route we took.  It should really be on the map.

It was one of the few times in my life that we didn't have a schedule.  Really, no schedule at all.  We would wake up and exercise.  Or not.  We would go sit by the pool and read until we were lobsters.  Get ready for dinner and come back to the room and read until ten.  Go for a hike, scope out rock climbing, decide not to bruise our toenails and kill plants with our sweaty palms.  Read, and read, and read.  I had the best time with my dad.  Absolutely no schedule and no regulation for anything.  I ran every day and got to see the sky.  One funny note, you always know when you're traveling with my dad because you have to bring a lot of shoes. (Running shoes, hiking shoes, sandals, closed-toe shoes, flip-flops, etc.)  And jackets.  Because you need to make sure you have a jacket for rain, for hiking, for cold evenings, and another just in case.

My senior year is almost over.  I'm going to be done.  I have two months to coast.  (You know, excluding a Nationals trip, three A.P. tests, and finals in my other classes.)  Still, its as coasting as I've ever gotten.

Thanks Dad for a great trip.  It was absolutely perfect.

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